Isamu Noguchi, a renowned Japanese-American designer and artist, was known for his minimalistic and...
Bocci, a Canadian design and manufacturing company, is known for its innovative lighting fixtures...
As the world becomes increasingly digital, traditional lighting solutions no longer cut it. From...
The emergence of Warm White Rechargeable Lights Gone are the days when we had...
What is Art Deco? Art Deco is an influential design style that emerged in...
Holmegaard is a Danish company that produces high-quality glassware and lamps. One of their...
Ceiling pendant lights are one of the most popular lighting fixtures for residential and...
Glass teardrop pendants are exquisite pieces of jewelry that capture the eye with their...
The History of PH Lamps The PH Lamp Jubilæumsmodel Kobber is a special edition...
Ceiling lights are an essential part of any room’s design, and they can often...